Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Untitled - Page 3

Jesse woke up. He felt as if he was sleeping for eternity. He couldn’t remember why he was there. Suddenly he noticed a gal was sleeping above him. He screamed. She woke up. When she saw him, she became stunned. Her finger was pointing at him and her hand was shaking. He looked back at himself and noticed that he was half transparent. His body was like a silver piece of transparent paper. He screamed even louder. The girl wasn’t sleeping above of him, but instead, he was floating.

Feeling terribly lost and sad, he sat at the end of her bed. He cried. He couldn’t remember why he was a ghost. He only remember that he was about to enter high school the very next day, but now, he is dead. He slapped himself very hard on his face, hoping that this is a dream, but instead, his hand went through his face. He felt nothing at all.

“Jesse? Is that you?” said the girl as she was moving closer towards him.

“How did you know my name?” he asked.

“You have forgotten? I was your classmate,” she said. Her face was wet with her tears.

“But, for the past six years I was studying, you wasn’t in the same class with me,” he said, puzzled.

“For the past six years? Jesse, how old are you? I’m sorry; I mean how old were you?”

“I’m going to be thirteen next January.”

“Thirteen? Jesse, you are, I mean, were seventeen.”

“What was your prove?”

She didn’t reply. Instead, she gets off her bed to her table and took a piece of newspaper. She showed it to him.

“A boy from the nearby high school of the neighborhood, Jesse Andrews, 17 years old was found dead in the morning by passerby. He was stabbed at his heart, which was the cause of his death. The night before, he was believed to be with a classmate of his in her house. He was killed about 100 meters from her house. Further investigation will be done to seek the murderer. Reasons of victim’s death are unknown at press time,” he read it loudly. He gasped. He started crying again.

“This was today’s paper,” she said. “Your funeral will be held tomorrow morning.” She was crying too.

“This is a dream, isn’t it? I couldn’t be murdered. I mean, I should have memories before I died too, didn’t I?” he asked. She didn’t reply. She was still crying.

“Everyone prayed that this will be a dream,” she said. “If you have any doubts, come to you funeral tomorrow.” She was crying terribly.

Suddenly, the lights were turned on. A woman rushed in the room and walked through him without noticing him. She rushed to that girl. Both the girl and Jesse stared at each other. Her mother didn’t realize that he was in the room.

“What wrong, honey?” she asked.

“Nothing, I thought of my classmate suddenly and I couldn’t help but crying.”

“I understand. His death was tragic. He was such a fine boy, well mannered and polite. But, there’s nothing you can do now. Just pray for him alright?”

Her mother stayed a little longer before leaving the room.

“She didn’t notice me. I felt warmness when she walked through me... I am really dead, isn’t it?” She didn’t reply again. Instead, she pinched herself hard.

“It wasn’t a dream,” she said while showing him her arm. It was now in a weird combination of blue black. “I had been pinching myself the whole day.”

Jesse floats towards her and tried to examine her hand but his hand slipped past her hand.

“It’s okay. I understand. I think it is best if you return to your family tonight. Who knows that you could talk to them and gave them comfort?”

He nodded and floats towards the ceiling. He vanished from her sight. She cried even harder. Out of the blue, he was staring at her, straight at her face, closely.

“I didn’t even get your name.” He smiled weakly.

“I’m Rachael.”

“Thanks,” he floats away again.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Untitled - Page 2

[A few months ago…]

“Calvin, pass it to me now!” said Jesse. Calvin without hesitating passed the ball to him. Jesse, within a second he received the ball he scored another point on the basketball match. The bell alarm rang signifying the match was over. Jesse scored the winning point. Everyone swarmed around Jesse to congratulate him. He was also the highest scorer of the match.

“I couldn’t have done it without him,” said Jesse hugging Calvin tightly.

“Hey, come on! With talent oozing out of every part of your body, you could have done it without my help at all,” said Calvin with a bright smile on his face. Both Calvin and Jesse were best of friends since they first met in the basketball court during the first lesson of physical education. It was at that moment they both realized that they share the same passion for basketball. Since then, it was extremely difficult to keep them apart. They were together for every single practice, every single possible lesson, every clubs or extra activities.

It was obvious that the both of them have very different personalities, probably a different person altogether, but, that doesn’t stop them from being the very best of friends. However, after a few years being together, the crack in the friendship was very noticeable. It was in plain sight that they were trying to save this friendship, but none could be done at all. Their friendship was sinking very slowly. The matter became worst when the both of them loved the same girl, Rebecca. Rebecca was the friendliest girl around the school. She was sweet, kind and smart to be compatible with her looks. When Jesse found out that Calvin loved her too, he retreats from the picture to save their friendship from being bad to worst.

The trouble arises when it was clear that Rebecca heart only has Jesse in it. The jealousy in Calvin peaked when he saw Jesse was in Rebecca’s house. Throughout the whole way, he was thinking of way to made adamants with Jesse and will try to win Rebecca’s heart fair and square. Upon reaching her house, he changed his mind immediately when he saw Jesse in Rebecca's house. They were both holding their hands. Rebecca leaned on Jesse shoulder with her eyes gazing at him. Calvin could not stand there any longer and without wasting his time, he ran away from that place.

After running for quite a distance, he stopped. ‘Why should I be running?’ he thought. ‘Jesse will pay for betraying me. If he wanted to have Rebecca too, all he has to do was to tell me and I’ll be happy for both you. But instead, he pretended to be a gentleman, but in the end of the day, you were with Rebecca behind my back.”

Calvin tightens his fist in his coat and felt something hard. It was a pen knife Jesse gave to him last Christmas. He lost all his rational thinking and rushed back to Rebecca’s house. He didn’t have to go far. Halfway on his journey, he saw Jesse. Jesse smiled and pretended like nothing when he saw Calvin. He greeted Calvin happily too.

“Oh, Calvin! I’m so glad to meet you here. I have something to tell you,” said Jesse.

“Me, too have something to tell you,” said Calvin as he stabbed Jesse straight at his heart.

“Calvin… why are you dong this? We are friends,” said Jesse with great difficulties.

“You cheated on me with Rebecca behind my back,” said Calvin.

“I didn’t. I was about to tell you that I’m leaving soon and Rebecca choose you. Calvin, we are friends,” said Jesse as he breathes his last breath. When Calvin heard this, he hand shook uncontrollably, his eyes was filled with tears. He hugged Jesse lifeless body and shouted his name a few time. Guilt was overpowering him at the moment, just the same as fear. He quickly took the pen knife out of his friend’s body and ran away.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Untitled - Page 1

It had been weeks since I last saw him but his memories linger in my mind. I still remember the way he float around me room with some silver light shimmering around him. It was amazing how I always look through him although he didn’t know that. He didn’t know the fact that I was so used to looked through him that makes looking at his handsome face doesn’t seems amazing anymore.

His disappearance somehow made me felt lonely tonight. For the first time, I wanted him to be by my side, talking to me until I dozed off. I know it was very selfish of me but, I knew that he had nothing to do at all at any other time.

“I could see that someone miss me tonight,” I heard his voice. I felt my heart beating fast and I’m breathing fast. But I couldn’t see him at all. I let out a disappointed sigh. I lay on my bed. I gave out a small yelp. He was floating above me with a smile.

“Honey, are you alright?” asked my dad who was in the living room, the floor below.

“Yes, I was a little clumsy and slipped a little,” I lied. I could be sure that he wouldn’t even believe me if I told him I saw my old friend, which is a ghost in my room at this moment.

“I’m back here again to accompany you. Are you happy and touched?” he asked with a cheeky smile.

“I hate to admit it but, I miss you tonight.”

He floats closer to me and leaned his head on my shoulder. Although I felt nothing but a cool sensation on my shoulder, I could feel my heart pumped faster and faster. A ghost was leaning on me.

“Where have you been for a few months?” I asked. There was no answer for quite sometime.

“I have some business to settle.” He sounded very reluctant to answer me. I don’t feel like asking anymore.

“Do you remember that I told you that I have absolute no recollection of anything of my life for the past few years before I died?” He paused for a long time before continuing. “I went to look for answers. I needed to know the reason why I died, why I had no recollection at all, why I only have memories from my childhood. And why of all people I ended up with you after I died.”

“Yeah, I remembered about it. I couldn’t believe you at first because I was just a friend, not even close friends of yours until lately, after you died.” I turned my head a little and saw his lips turned upwards.

“I found out the reason why now. We are tied together by a special bond. I didn’t know what it was but it brought me to you.”

“So, have you gained back you memories now?”

“In fact, I did.” I could see that tears were forming in his eyes now. “Calvin was my murderer.”

I looked at his straight at his face now. He was crying now.

“Calvin was you best friend. Are you sure that what you have found was true?”

“I think I had to believe it. Remembered that I was looking at the school yearbook and you introduced me to Calvin, saying that he was my best friend? I went to him that day to have some conversation with him to help me gain my memories, but I receive was the terrified look on his face.”

“That is just normal, right? I freak out the very first time I saw you. You couldn’t expect people to accept you just like that now, don’t you?”

“I didn’t expect him to accept me too, but, he confessed everything to me.”

I felt very sad too. I gave a pat on his back but, my hand just went through his body.

“It’s okay. I understand. Thanks!”


A Start of Something New

Okay.. This is a story which I wrote after finishing my SPM of year 2006. I dare say that this story was created out of random and I totally have no idea where I've got the inspiration from. I don't even have a title for it. But, by luck or something.. It was the only piece of story that I have kept in the computer. There was a lot more before this story but most of it was either gone together with the old pc of mine or lost somewhere in my room. Either way, it was almost impossible to retrieve them.

So, now.. I'm asking for a few precious moment of yours to read one of my crap..

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Entry

Hey there everyone...!! This is the first entry ever to my first ever blog...

Alright.. In this blog.. I'm just going to put in pieces of short stories I've wrote over the years.. Do feel free to comment on it.. Bad or good, it does not matter.. Enjoy..