Friday, May 15, 2009

Untitled - Page 2

[A few months ago…]

“Calvin, pass it to me now!” said Jesse. Calvin without hesitating passed the ball to him. Jesse, within a second he received the ball he scored another point on the basketball match. The bell alarm rang signifying the match was over. Jesse scored the winning point. Everyone swarmed around Jesse to congratulate him. He was also the highest scorer of the match.

“I couldn’t have done it without him,” said Jesse hugging Calvin tightly.

“Hey, come on! With talent oozing out of every part of your body, you could have done it without my help at all,” said Calvin with a bright smile on his face. Both Calvin and Jesse were best of friends since they first met in the basketball court during the first lesson of physical education. It was at that moment they both realized that they share the same passion for basketball. Since then, it was extremely difficult to keep them apart. They were together for every single practice, every single possible lesson, every clubs or extra activities.

It was obvious that the both of them have very different personalities, probably a different person altogether, but, that doesn’t stop them from being the very best of friends. However, after a few years being together, the crack in the friendship was very noticeable. It was in plain sight that they were trying to save this friendship, but none could be done at all. Their friendship was sinking very slowly. The matter became worst when the both of them loved the same girl, Rebecca. Rebecca was the friendliest girl around the school. She was sweet, kind and smart to be compatible with her looks. When Jesse found out that Calvin loved her too, he retreats from the picture to save their friendship from being bad to worst.

The trouble arises when it was clear that Rebecca heart only has Jesse in it. The jealousy in Calvin peaked when he saw Jesse was in Rebecca’s house. Throughout the whole way, he was thinking of way to made adamants with Jesse and will try to win Rebecca’s heart fair and square. Upon reaching her house, he changed his mind immediately when he saw Jesse in Rebecca's house. They were both holding their hands. Rebecca leaned on Jesse shoulder with her eyes gazing at him. Calvin could not stand there any longer and without wasting his time, he ran away from that place.

After running for quite a distance, he stopped. ‘Why should I be running?’ he thought. ‘Jesse will pay for betraying me. If he wanted to have Rebecca too, all he has to do was to tell me and I’ll be happy for both you. But instead, he pretended to be a gentleman, but in the end of the day, you were with Rebecca behind my back.”

Calvin tightens his fist in his coat and felt something hard. It was a pen knife Jesse gave to him last Christmas. He lost all his rational thinking and rushed back to Rebecca’s house. He didn’t have to go far. Halfway on his journey, he saw Jesse. Jesse smiled and pretended like nothing when he saw Calvin. He greeted Calvin happily too.

“Oh, Calvin! I’m so glad to meet you here. I have something to tell you,” said Jesse.

“Me, too have something to tell you,” said Calvin as he stabbed Jesse straight at his heart.

“Calvin… why are you dong this? We are friends,” said Jesse with great difficulties.

“You cheated on me with Rebecca behind my back,” said Calvin.

“I didn’t. I was about to tell you that I’m leaving soon and Rebecca choose you. Calvin, we are friends,” said Jesse as he breathes his last breath. When Calvin heard this, he hand shook uncontrollably, his eyes was filled with tears. He hugged Jesse lifeless body and shouted his name a few time. Guilt was overpowering him at the moment, just the same as fear. He quickly took the pen knife out of his friend’s body and ran away.



  1. i almost have my tears out while reading tis..owh.....

  2. update ur blogspot more often yea... ...^^keke
